Give up smoking in Colchester area in Essex home visits in London and Ipswich area in Suffolk

I am between Ipswich and Colchester serving also the Hadleigh and Manningtree areas. 

Home visits available in those areas.

Home visits in London for only £15 extra per session to cover travel costs

BENEFITS of Hypnotherapy and NLP:

Why you should give up smoking with Hypnotherapy in Essex London and Suffolk

      Stop Smoking - quit the smoking habit NOW (or in groups on site for business)

Why you should QUIT smoking with a Hypnotherapist in Suffolk London and Essex - the facts:

My main website:

Edge of the World Hypnotherapy and NLP

Click here


Forget the tobacco company spin - here are the facts about smoking:

Firstly in England, Scotland and Ireland it is ILLEGAL to smoke in many places. This legislation was based on Health grounds. Tobacco contains over 4,000 chemical compounds - many of them toxic. By stopping smoking you REDUCE further damage to your skin. You also REDUCE the risk of going blind. REDUCE the risk of a Heart Attack. You will improve fitness as well as breathing. You will REDUCE the likelihood of impotence. By giving up you are also giving yourself a payrise - add up how much the habit is costing you. A UK smoker who smokes around 30 cigarettes per day, will spend more than £2,600 per year on their habit. What could you do with that money? Overpay on the mortgage, take a holiday, buy that luxury item you always wanted but could not afford? Give your Family and Loved ones the most precious gift that you will actually live longer!

Passive smoking is dangerous for those around you. The smell is objectionable to others – not only of the burning cigarette but the vile stale ashtray smell on your breath, clothes hair etc. Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causing many diseases and reduces quality of life and life expectancy. The younger a person quits, the greater the benefit - but stopping smoking is beneficial at any age. Many smokers think that smoking helps relieve stress but in fact ex-smokers properly treated by a trained Hypnotherapist are more likely to have better mental health and be happier.

Smoking any kind of Tobacco products KILLS, often in horrible ways, 10,000 people EVERY DAY worldwide (3.6 million and rising per year). Tobacco is expected to be the biggest single cause of death in the world in the next 25 to 30 years. Each time you smoke you are playing Russian Roulette with your health and of those who inhale the toxic smoke - you family, friends and colleagues. If you think that you will be the lucky one to escape - think again. It also reduces your life expectancy significantly and it is most likely that you will die a painful death because of it!

Smoking kills 400,000 people a year in the United States alone, that’s almost 1,100 every day. The figures for the UK are around 121,000 people a year, or approximately 330 per day. Approximately 38% die of cancer, 28% die a slow and agonizing death from chronic lung disease and emphysema, and the other 34% die of heart disease and other circulatory problems. You use one year of life approximately for each year that you continue to smoke.

It has been estimated, that just 1/60th of a gramme of nicotine on your tongue can kill a person in minutes.  Recent research also shows that nicotine itself is carcinogenic - so forget about nicotine patches and gum - see below.

Tobacco companies are well aware that it is mainly young people who start smoking. It is for this reason that they target their advertising towards young people wherever they can. They know that they have to attract a given number of new smokers every day, to counteract the number of people that die due to smoking.

It is sadly a business decision to promote smoking - at this brain washing they are very successful because people still smoke even with the terrible warnings and stomach churning pictures on the packet. The US government is in desperation currently considering putting large graphic pictures of diseased lungs and mouth cancer by point of sale tills to counteract the tobacco industry propaganda. They will probably do it as smoking is THE number one killer in the US.

Think about it: If I suggested you put a gun to your head knowing that there was one live bullet in the gun would you do it? Yet people are still playing russian roulette with their health! Ask yourself honestly is that clever?

In the USA alone, 3,000 teenagers started smoking TODAY. Of these, smoking will eventually kill over a thousand of them.

300,000 children under 18 months old develop bronchitis and pneumonia every year in the United States, due to the effects of passive smoking.

Hypnosis has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to stop smoking of all methods of stopping smoking. 

Parents smoking directly causes asthma, coughs and wheezes and even middle ear infections in children through passive smoking.

Teenagers are more than twice as likely to smoke if both their parents smoke.

Smoking during pregnancy causes babies to be born with a reduced birth weight. Around 4,000 babies a year, in the United States alone, die directly as a result of their mothers smoking during pregnancy.

Feline lymphoma is a form of cancer affecting cats who live in homes where people smoke.

In affluent countries, smoking is one of the most common causes of blindness.

Following surgical operations, smokers will find that their wounds take longer to heal than non-smokers, due to the collagen fibre levels in the body being depleted. Smokers may also find that their healing wounds may be prone to rupture. This can often prove to be fatal, especially in cases of bowel surgery, for example.

Pneumonia, collapsed lungs, and other such complications of complete anaesthesia, are four times more likely in smokers than in non-smokers.

Thromboses of the heart and brain are the most common causes of sudden death. Smokers are very susceptible to thromboses, on average developing the disease some ten years before non-smokers.

Women who smoke during pregnancy, increase the child’s likelihood to die during childbirth, to double that of a non-smoking mother. Should the child survive childbirth, it is also twice as likely to die during it’s early years, and twice as likely to die of sudden infant death syndrome (‘SIDS’ or ‘cot death’). The child is also likely to be underweight and less healthy long term.

New born babies who breastfeed from mothers who smoke, have as much nicotine in their blood as their mothers do.

The risk of brain haemorrhage is highest in women smokers, and is even higher if she also takes the contraceptive pill.

Smoking is one of the major causes of male impotence, increasing the risk of erectile dysfunction by some 50%, and affecting as many as 120,000 males in the UK alone. It has been reported that a male experiencing erectile dysfunction, should take this as a warning that blood vessels are being damaged, and this includes the blood vessels in and around the heart.

10 cigarettes a day gives you a ‘1 in 200’ chance of dying in any one year

Inhaling nicotine can knock 20, 30 and 40 years or more off your life

Death is often preceded by many years of disabling illness

There is no safe level of smoking. It is always dangerous

Smoking is a preventable cause of death

Often, when a person dies from smoking, they are smoking their last one !

You were born a non-smoker and you can become one again


SO - Why wait for the signs of something serious?

Do you know how many chemicals there are in tobacco smoke ? 50 ? 100? 1000? See above.. the answer is: over 4,000

Don't kid yourself that it reduces stress - I can give you strategies for reducing stress which don't involve playing Russian Roulette with your health.

Don't think that because you are young that you can "get away" with smoking without damage - you may heal better but you are still causing damage to your long term health if you don't STOP. If you DO STOP NOW you increase the likelihood of a longer healthier life.

You needn't put on weight - I will ensure that you don't turn to comfort food as an alternative to smoking. So don't use that as an excuse.

Add up truthfully how much you spend on a habit that is killing you. You could be saving well over £1,000 - £3,000 a year by stopping! Think what you could spend over £1,000 a year on!

Look at this way: Pay me £120 over three sessions in which we thoroughly get to grips with WHY you smoke ... If you invested £120 in a savings account - how much would you earn these days?  By investing in your health you get a longer life and with what you would have spent on 20 odd packs you get a big return on your investment - with no tax.

You get 100% return in three weeks or so if you spend £5 a day currently on tobacco products.

Over a year what would you save financially - add it up honestly and think what you could have had - the major benefit however  is a longer life.

Let's be honest - in the majority of cases continued smoking will kill you horribly - how many warnings do you need?

The latest news about nicotine in all its forms - DO NOT risk patches and gums without reading the English Times newspaper article below first:

Re: Nicotine and Nicotine replacement gums and patches (From The Times April 2009)

"Nicotine chewing gum, lozenges and inhalers designed to help people to give up smoking may have the potential to cause cancer, research has suggested.

Scientists have discovered a link between mouth cancer and exposure to nicotine, which may indicate that using oral nicotine replacement therapies for long periods could contribute to a raised risk of the disease. A study funded by the Medical Research Council, led by Muy-Teck Teh, of Queen Mary, University of London, has found that the effects of a genetic mutation that is common in mouth cancer can be worsened by nicotine in the levels that are typically found in smoking cessation products.

The results raise the prospect that nicotine, the addictive chemical in tobacco, may be more carcinogenic than had previously been appreciated. “Although we acknowledge the importance of encouraging people to quit smoking, our research suggests nicotine found in lozenges and chewing gums may increase the risk of mouth cancer,” Dr Teh said. “Smoking is of course far more dangerous, and people who are using nicotine replacement to give up should continue to use it and consult their GPs if they are concerned. The important message is not to overuse it, and to follow advice on the packet.”

Most nicotine replacement products have labels advising people to cut down after three months of use and to stop completely after six months.

Mouth cancer affects nearly 5,000 people each year in Britain and is usually linked to smoking, chewing tobacco or drinking alcohol. It is often diagnosed at a late stage, and consequently has a poor prognosis.

Although nicotine is acknowledged as the addictive element in cigarettes its role in cancer has long been disputed. It is not as potent a carcinogen as other chemicals found in tobacco smoke, such as tar, but some previous research has suggested that it may also contribute to the formation of tumours.

Nonetheless, it is much less dangerous than cigarettes and is therefore used in a wide variety of smoking cessation products that allow addicts to satisfy a craving for the chemical without smoking.

In the new research, published in the journal Public Library of Science One, Dr Teh’s team has investigated the role of a gene called FOXM1 in mouth cancer.

A mutation that raises the activity of this gene is commonly found in many tumours, and is also present in pre-cancerous cells in the mouth, the scientists found. This raised expression can then be worsened by exposure to nicotine, according to Dr Teh.

“If you already have a mouth lesion that is expressing high levels of FOXM1 and you expose it to nicotine, it may add to the risk of converting it into cancer,” he said. “Neither the raised FOXM1 nor nicotine is alone sufficient to trigger cancer, but together they may have an effect.

“The concern is that with smokers, you are looking at people who are already at risk of oral cancer. I’m worried that some may already have lesions they don’t know about in the mouth, and if they keep on taking nicotine replacement when they stop smoking products they will not be doing themselves any good.”

The findings could also lead to new ways of diagnosing mouth cancer while it is still in its early stages and easier to treat.

Dr Teh emphasised that smokers should not stop their attempts to give up. “There is no doubt about the harmful effects of smoking, so smokers should make every effort to quit.”

   Copyright The Times

Why you should make an appointment to give up smoking using Hypnotherapy with me - a hypnotherapist based in Suffolk and Essex and serving London:

97% of people trying to quit smoking on their own FAIL. Hypnotherapy has been proved over and over to work in the majority of cases. Sometimes even in one session.

However I always book three sessions – yes there are Therapists who claim to always have you quit smoking in one session – but that is often a numbers game and many will still fail to give up smoking because the underlying reasons WHY they smoke are often not addressed and some Smoking Hypnotherapists are not trained or qualified in any other therapies – they may “put you off”, possibly for good, or maybe for a short while - but will they have looked deeper to address your other issues such as stress or other reasons? I can help you address the underlying issues of WHY you smoke?

If I fail to put you off smoking and you are truly motivated to give up smoking then I will give you a FREE top up session. I have never been taken up on that offer yet!

I do urge you to ensure that you visit a properly trained Hypnotherapist that belongs to a reputable body like the GHR. If you have used Allen Carr before or are considering one of the Allen Carr stop smoking programs,consider this: Allen Carr stopped smoking with a Hypnotherapist and also employs hypnosis as part of his quit smoking programme.

So save money all round, get your health back, and see me for Hypnotherapy to really quit smoking in Essex Suffolk and London.

Telephone: 01206 391050 today

Group Stop smoking - quit smoking now in groups

Why business should book group stop smoking sessions:

Apart from all the above health issues for your staff businesses consider also the following:

Think of the positive savings and Business benefits when staff become a non-smoker:

TIME - Think - an average Cigarette takes 2 minutes to smoke - if they are smoking 30 a day you are saving one hour each day. If they leave their desk at work to smoke outside you waste 21 ½ hours per month if you work a 5 day week.

MONEY - Think - if you smoke 30 a day at £5 per packet you are currently spending around £7.50 or more every day. This is £52.50 per week or £227.50 per month or £2,730 per year and in 2 ½ years you will have spent £6,825. £227.50 each month will help you upgrade your car or wardrobe or overpay your mortgage - or towards retiring a year or two earlier!If you give up now you may even reach and enjoy retirement!

HEALTH - Think of your lungs - toxic gasses are breathed out which affect those around you - it is now proven that passive smoking harms anyone: be it colleague, partner or pet - and as for yourself - if the statistics at the top of the page aren't enough to persuade you consider that the solid tar and chemicals get stuck in your lungs - therefore you are slower at most sports, slower in your everyday walking, stair-climbing and general fitness. You are also storing up trouble for later. The sooner you quit the better your chance of recovery.

ECONOMY OF SCALE: It is cheaper to deliver a bespoke 3 session course of stop smoking for business on your site. I am happy to also offer stress reduction techniques and better interpersonal and presentation skills. I have also been an Actor/Director/Teacher so I offer an all round service.

Business Benefits on site group: 01206 391050

To book individually at:

French Complexion 1a Queen Street Hadleigh Suffolk 01473 828805

Privately in the Colchester / Manningtree / Mistley / Lawford in Essex and Hadleigh Brantham East Bergholdt or Dedham Vale in Suffolk areas call  01206 391050

In certain cases I offer home visits please contact me for details: 01206 391050

Allen Carr

Before you decide on whether a Hypnotherapist or Allen Carr - consider: Allen Carr actually used a Hypnotherapist to give up! That one sentence wouldn't have made an interesting book - but it is there in most subsequent redrafts and rewrites. The rest of the treatment is supportive to giving up smoking but the bottom line is the hypnotherapy did it.




See above for reasons to stop smoking - maybe your business has totted up how much productivity you lose through smoking breaks? Do a rough calculation based on how much time taken off to smoke and the cost in lost productivity and the loss of key people through smoking related illness - then call me. You will save more than my fee and have a healthier happier more productive work force if you book me.

I am happy to consider group stop smoking sessions - to really give up smoking - please contact me for details.

Special discount for web bookers - if you have read this far: £140 to stop smoking if paid in advance! Mention the website deal. Cheaper for three thorough sessions than for ONE session elsewhere.

Tel : 01206 391050

Call me Graham Howes on 01206 391050 for a chat or to book


Graham Howes ASHPH NHR GHR (General Hypnotherapy Registered) and GHSC (General Hypnotherapy Standards Council regulated)

Edge of the World Hypnotherapy and NLP

I am GHR registered and GHSC regulated and fully insured.

My other more detailed website is my company: Edge of the World Hypnotherapy and NLP:

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